
The Burlington Bulls 2000 Baseball Team welcomes you to our online home. This site is intended to offer a centralized location for information relating to the team. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to let us know.

In Memory of Dr. Bill Nazar

Dr. Bill had never ending energy and enthusiasm for the people involved on this team. He strived to keep it fun for everyone - and always managed to make things interesting in his own way. He leaves a sizeable void and will truely be missed. Bill, it just won't be the same without you.

Dr. Bill Nazar


Cooperstown Banquet Tickets

Here is the official ticket.
For more info, please contact:
Laura: lauravuk@cogeco.ca


Always throw with a purpose. When playing catch in the outfield or in your backyard, use a four-seam fastball grip, get your hips involved (rotate your trunk) with each throw, step toward your target and use proper throwing mechanics. Throwing with a purpose helps prevent the development of bad habits that can be tough to correct.

Cooperstown Fundraiser

Save the date in your Calendar. February 4th @ the Polish Hall:

Polish National Union of Canada
2316 Fairview St
Burlington, ON L7R 2E4

View Google Map

Choosing Sports Drinks for Exercise

The following is a list of suggested sports drinks and other drink options that can be used during events 90 minutes or longer.

Total carbs: 56g Serving Size: 500ml

G2 (by Gatorade)
Total carbs: 14g Serving Size: 500ml
OK? NO (Articial Sweeteners: sucralose, acesulfame potassium)

Powerade Isotonic
Total carbs: 46g Serving Size: 600ml

Coke / Diet Coke
Total carbs: 39g Serving Size: 375ml
OK? NO (HFCS, carbonated)

Total carbs: 56g Serving Size: 500ml
OK? NO (juice=fructose)


Use our Flickr account to upload pictures of the team


Sign in with Facebook
Facebook: burlingtonbulls2000@hotmail.com
Password: Bulls2000

2011 Tournaments

Richmond Hill
June 24, 25, 26

Newmarket Silver Bat Tournament
July 29, 30, 31

August 12-14 (Waterdown)

To Be Announced